Palm Springs Art Museum

101 N Museum Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92262

Get there with Google Maps by clicking HERE

Date Visited: 10/092022

Although it’s not a hard and fast rule, almost all of my posts are of sites that are free to view. I can only think of one site that actually REQUIRED payment. Some do politely (but, sometimes, firmly) request donations. The Palm Springs Art Museum, located at 101 Museum Drive, Palm Springs, CA 92262 has an admission fee and I am very sure it’s worth every penny. However, the photos that follow were taken outside the museum. I did not go into the museum, so I cannot comment on the contents or displays within the museum.

Marilyn Monroe

This statue Marilyn Monroe, located at the entrance to a courtyard in front of the art museum, is a 25+ foot recreation of the classic scene from “The Seven Year Itch.” Billy Wilder was the director of the movie and scene was considered quite scandalous at the time of the movie release, 1955. (Heck, I wasn’t even born yet, and I’m OLD!).

The footage of Monroe’s dress blowing up over the subway grate was filmed twice. once over the actual grate that blew her skirt up and then a recreation on the sound stage. Both ended up in the finished film, despite the common belief that the audio from the original footage was rendered useless on location by an over-excited crowd during filming in New York.

Marilyn’s then-husband, Joe DiMaggio, was present during the filming of the dress scene and was reportedly upset and disgusted by the attention his wife received from onlookers, reporters and on-set photographers. Wilder had invited the media to raise interest in the film.

According to some research I did, the scene was deemed controversial by a glimpse of Marilyn’s white underwear! OH MY GOSH!!!

So, in the interest of completeness and my fervent desire to present the “complete” story, here’s the reason the scene was so controversial. By today’s standards, seems pretty tame to me! Kudos to the artist, however for an accurate and complete depiction of the event!

Rumor has it that tourists and fans often take pictures from underneath or pose for there own photographs standing between those famous legs looking up! LOL

The uncut/unedited movie is available to rent from Amazon Prime (affiliate link) if you’d like to view it in it’s entirety.

Suspended Car

Also outside the Palm Springs Art Museum is this suspended vehicle above a pool of water?

Artist Gonzalo Lebrija’s “Story of Stopped Time (A Monument to the Impossible)” features a car suspended above a pool of liquid that, according to the museum, appears to freeze over time.

According to the the museum’s chief curator, Public said Rochelle Steiner, Director of Programs and Education. the piece aims to evoke thoughts about “pause and passage of time, focused on precise moments of stillness and impact.”

Palm Springs Babies

Well, I’ve saved the best (creepiest?) for last. Also located outside the Palm Springs Museum is this installation.

The “Babies” by artist David Cerny are reportedly a temporary installation on loan from the artist to the museum. The Babies are situated in what apparently is the future site of a residential structure. According to research, the residential building should begin construction soon (2022/2023 according to what I read).

There are 10 Babies in all, each 11′ in length. The faces of each baby is apparently a barcode! Quite frankly, seems pretty odd to me, but it’s apparently a very famous and well-traveled installation.

I highly recommend checking out the webpage for lots of additional information and a video detailing the delivery and placement of the Babies. The page does a lot better job than I could ever do. And, besides, plagairism is not my style!

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Thanks again!


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