World’s Tallest Paper Cup

800 E Citrus St, Riverside, CA 92507

Get there with Google Maps by clicking HERE

Date Visited: Unknown

UPDATE: I have no clue if this still exists. I first visited in 2010 and the site was abandoned and “For Sale” even then. This post is as short as the visit was unspectacular!

UPDATE #2: Still for sale, still vacant, but the cup is still there (4/2023)

Well, I gotta say.. “it’s big”!!! BUT, in all honesty, not even sure it’s paper. I doubt it, but it was biiled as, “The World’s Tallest Paper Cup.” This cup is located on the property that was formerly a Sweetheart factory. It’s now vacant and “For Sale”. The cup sits out front with no fanfare, no placard, no nothing. This is definitely one of those things that I had to see. It is out of the way and probably won’t be visited much by anyone.

The “Sweetheart” Property. For Sale in 2010
World’s Tallest Paper Cup
Close Up View of the Cup

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