Pink Elephant With A Martini

1013 Warrenton Rd, Haubstadt, IN 47639

Get there with Google Maps by clicking HERE

Date Visited: Unknown

I’m beginning to wonder about nurseries. This is the second nursery that is associated with an odd or unusual site here. Roadside Woolly Mammoth, which I reported on earlier in this trip is also a bit of a menagerie located within a nursery.

Just north of Evansville, Indiana at the intersection of US Route 41 and I-64, is the Jim Hipp Nursery. You can see several sorts of animals on the property, including a fish jumping from a pond (visible from I-64). Sorry I don’t have a photo of the fish, but I don’t typically take photos while driving the interstates (or freeways, depending on where you’re from and what you call them!)

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The elephant has lots of company and it’s probably worth exploring the nursery just to see the many varieties of animals. But the animals that I saw were all sculptures. Although the sign clearly touts the “topiary” nature of the business, I didn’t see any plants of vegetation that was designed to look like any sort of creature at all. (Maybe I didn’t look in the right places?)

There were lots of animals there, but almost all were quite normal… with one exception, the pink elephant. I really don’t know the history or reason for this, but the elephant is clearly visible from the road.

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