Cap On A Map is Here (FINALLY) – Odd & Unusual Things I’ve Seen!!!

This “introduction” is here because most places that I can post don’t appreciate my lack of the ability to be “short & sweet.” Those of you that know me, know that I am neither, both literally and figuratively. I also talk a lot…. A LOT!

If you’ve been here before, you can skip all of the introduction below by clicking HOME or THE BLOGS . Or any of the links in the menus at the top of this page. Or, if you’re a glutton for punishment, read on!

So, the day has finally arrived!!! After years, and I mean YEARS, of saying I would relaunch a website, I’m ready to do exactly that. is live!!! It’s not perfect and it will never be 100% done, but I have learned that it is as good as it will ever be today and hopefully will get better as time goes on.

I started visiting “odd & unusual” sights, roadside attractions, weird stuff, whatever you want to call it around 2005. I think the beginnings were Lady Liberty and Gays Lion Farm (not yet posted). Both were near my first location as a General Manager for Motel 6.  (Don’t judge me! LOL)

I had a site (thekidsthinkiamnuts) briefly around 2010 showcasing basically one trip back to the Midwest. I haven’t made an exact count (largely because I’m horribly disorganized), but my guess is that I have visited and photographed almost 300 locations. The website is launching with maybe 35. I will be adding on a semi-irregular basis, plus visiting new sites going forward.

If you’re still reading, I do have a request. Please, take a few moments out of your already overbooked, overcrowded, overworked life and take a hard look at the site. Poke around a bit. There are opportunities to comment on every page, or, if you prefer, you can email me at You can subscribe to receive updates when I add things or even subscribe and tell me you don’t want to receive updates. There is absolutely no charge or obligation no matter what you do. If you are so inclined, there is a page with branded merchandise like T-Shirts, hoodies, mugs, other stuff… even a donation page. Certainly not expected but always appreciated.

Tell me what you think, good or bad! (I can take it). If you love it, or even like it, please tell your friends, relatives, coworkers, people on the street, really anyone about it. On the internet, it’s all about traffic. If you hate it…. Spam your enemies (remember… traffic).

Also, (this may surprise a few LOL), I’m not perfect!!! If something isn’t working, or I have made errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar, PLEASE let me know. There are comment sections at the bottom of every page, email links, etc. if you need to contact me.

Thanks in advance for anything and everything!


PS… if you’re a creator of similar content (weird, unusual, RVs, vans, etc.), or provide services to the aforementioned, PLEASE contact me, I’d love to include you and/or your content. You can also take a look at Other Fun Pages or Useful Connections

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