Other Sites/Pages/Nomads That I Like

I would love to make this a VERY inclusive site. If you have a website, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, anything really that is specifically related to the pursuit of the “odd & unusual,” or the nomadic life in general, I would love to know about it. I’ll happily post a link here along with a short description/promotion. Just email me a link and whatever you would like me to say about it.

If you are looking for people and/or businesses that offer various services to van dwellers, nomads, etc., head on over to “Useful Connections.”

As always, THANK YOU for the visit. I welcome and appreciate comments (at the bottom of every page/post) and/or EMAILS. Please feel free to SUBSCRIBE (free or voluntary donation) to this site. If you enjoyed your visit, learned anything, or feel like helping the site out a little, I would love it if you shared our site with friends and family. If you don’t like this site ***GASP*** then you should spam your enemies with it LOL. Hey, any traffic helps! You can also DONATE to keep this dream alive. I always give 50% of all (net) donations and (net) profits from any source to charity as my way of giving thanks and sharing my good fortune.

Thanks again!


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