Hot & Cold Water Towers

101-199 Green St, Pratt, KS 67124

Get there with Google Maps by clicking HERE

Visited: October 19, 2018

Silly? Yes! Absurd? Yes! Do they really store water at different temperatures? Of course not! “Odd & Unusual?” THAT’S WHY WE ARE HERE!!!

The original towers were built in 1901 and 1909. I’m not sure which is which? Maybe “HOT” first, based on size (town grew?) and appearance? Apparently, what began as a prank in 1956 has now become and bit of a landmark in Pratt. In 1956 someone climbed the water towers and painted “HOT” and “COLD” on each one. The city liked it and formally painted the structures.

The tower paintings are only visible from the south. Are they worth a detour? Meh… but if you’re nearby it’s certainly a photo op!

There’s not a lot you can do with photographs when the subject matter is two water towers. They are over 100 years old, but can only be photographed from the one side if you want to get the HOT/COLD signs. So there is a shortage of photos on this one. Also not much to say, LOL. There they are; two water towers. Not terribly spectacular, but worth a look, I guess.

One thing that is notable is that this is the town where I stayed at The Evergreen Inn (<= link to the blog) with the Burlington-Northern caboose which has been converted to a room!

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  1. This was a fantastic read! It’s not much to engage with, but some that’s still enjoyable to see. I love that the town turned, something that could be considered vandalism into something that’s wholesome.

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