Corporate Head

725 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017

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Date Visited: Unknown

OK… we’ve all been in the position of “banging our head against a brick wall” (in this case… granite, not brick), but I think this guy may have taken it just a little too far!!!

This sculpture and accompanying poem is a part of “Poet’s Walk” located around the area of Figueroa Avenue and 7th Street in downtown Los Angeles. I really haven’t done a lot of searching for other objects in this collection but maybe they will make future posts. This, however, caught my eye in it’s own right, rather than as a part of the collection.

If you’re looking to find this guy, he’s on the south side of 7th Street, just west of the intersection with Figueroa Avenue. He’s there at the entrance to the office building. I love this guy though. I KNOW that I have felt like this many, many times. Even without facial expressions, you can feel the frustration, or at least I can.

He doesn’t seem to draw much attention from passers-by. Guess that his plight is not all that uncommon among the people of downtown Los Angeles, CA.

In the photos, you can see a bronze plaque just behind the figure. This is a poem which accompanies the sculpture. The author of the poem is Philip Levine (b. 1928 – d. 2015) . Wikipedia has an article about Mr. Levine here. Some of his work can be found at (Philip Levine at

The artist who crafted the sculpture is Terry Allen (website). The plaque citing both the artist and the poet is further behind the sculpture.

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