Ballerina Clown

255 Rose Ave, Venice, CA 90291

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Date Visited: Unknown

OK… only in Venice Beach, California… or at least most appropriately in Venice Beach would you find the “odd and unusual” site pictured to the left. In addition to, “odd & unusual,” I think this particular site might qualify as just plain bizarre!

The sculpture is by Jonathan Borofsky and is entitled, “Ballerina Clown.” Amazon has books about Mr Borofsky here. When you get right down to it, it’s nothing more than a ballerina in a clown mask and white gloves. It’s just an unsettling image to me (and probably others) for some reason. The juxtaposition of the ideas in our heads of clowns and ballerinas don’t come together as one very well. I would assume that if you’re one of many who are afraid of clowns, this sculpture has to rank high on the list of scary images.

The current occupant of the building where “Ballerina Clown” is located is CVS Pharmacy. They weren’t the occupant in 1988 when the sculpture was erected, but I don’t know who was.

The clown has an articulated right knee as seen in the photo. Apparently, there is an electric motor which causes the leg to “kick.”I have never seen it operate, so I have no clue whether it still works.

A closer look at the face, reveal a tear and an odd smile. I’m sure there is some sort of deep meaning to all of the various opposing interpretations of the Ballarina Clown but the meanings are beyond me.

Venice Beach is one of those places that is full of odd & unusual sorts. Especially on Sundays. The boardwalk along the beach is full of people selling their wares, be it anything from beads and jewelry to henna tattoos. And, lately, a dozen or so standing on the sidewalk, calling to all, “The doctor is in, get your medical marijuana card today!” We’re assuming that once you get the card they sell you your first “prescription” as well. (This was written well before the legalization of marijuana in California)

There will certainly be more to come from Venice Beach, I’m sure.

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OK, so this is about as risque as you’ll ever see on this site. But, I guess it was a photo that had to be taken!

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