World’s Largest Lincoln Statue

Charleston/Ashmore, IL

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Date Visited: (Many times in a couple locations!)

I remember this tribute to our 16th president from when I was a kid. It was initially erected in 1969. It was an eyesore then and a general pain to the promoters. Seemingly, times haven’t changed much. The thing is in it’s third location since it’s original placement. It has been shot full of holes, had his forefinger blown off (presumably by a shotgun) and generally been the subject of ridicule, defamation and disrespect since it’s placement near Charleston, Illinois.

The story that was circulating when I was a kid is that it was carved from a single tree in one of the northern states, (maybe Minnesota). When it was done they realized it was too big to transport to Illinois. The arms where not attached, but the shoulders were too broad. So, the shoulders had to be “shaved down” for it could be moved. I do not know how true that is, but he does look a little disproportionate with narrow shoulders or a big head?

The statue was a favorite field trip location for all the nearby grade schools and more that a few middle schools. Abraham Lincoln was a big deal around Charleston. I grew up about 15 miles north of there and heard plenty about him in my formative years. No doubt some of what I learned was more legend than truth, but in the end, Lincoln became (and remains) one of the few people that I look up to and respect.

Of course, with this 70 plus foot statue, looking up is the only choice.

The current placement of the statue is behind and to the west of the Coles County Speedway, near a campground/resort that was completely empty at the time I visited. While updating this site, I was unable to find an actual address of the location! The Google Map coordinates above will get you there, though.

It has a “garden of chainsaw Lincoln statues” which will be in a slide show below, but this photo gives you an idea of the size and placement of everything. The smaller, blue-roofed shelters are approximately 7 feet tall to the bottom of the roof.

According to what I have heard/read, all of the smaller statues were crafted by chainsaw. No reason not to believe it, but I also did nothing to verify that fact.

The chainsaw sculptures are pretty rough hewn and apparently represent different stages of Lincoln’s life. There were several so I’ve just put them all in a slide show here. If you’re a Abe Lincoln enthusiast or a history buff and can identify the stories behind each stature/scene, I would love to hear about it!

Tallest Lincoln (12)
Tallest Lincoln (13)
Tallest Lincoln (14)
Tallest Lincoln (15)
Tallest Lincoln (17)
Tallest Lincoln (18)
Tallest Lincoln (19)
Tallest Lincoln (20)
Tallest Lincoln (21)
Tallest Lincoln (22)
Tallest Lincoln (23)
Tallest Lincoln (11)
previous arrow
next arrow

The statue itself is approximately 72 feet tall. The appearance from the entrance is a little deceptive as you must descend several steps to get to the garden.

Overall, the current placement is far more attractive than any of the previous ones. The grounds are well-kept and everything appears to be in good working order.

All in all, Abraham Lincoln looks better than ever, here.

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Thanks again!


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