George Michael (Wham) Mens’ Room

Will Rogers Memorial Park

800-876 N Canon Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Get there with Google Maps by clicking HERE

Well, this one is a stretch. It is probably in extremely poor taste, but at the time I took the photos, I felt it qualified as “odd & unusual.”

I’m sure the title alone doesn’t bring immediate recognition, but in April 1998, the park got it’s 15 minutes of fame, or perhaps infamy is a more accurate description. The photos are of the men’s room in the park, the location of the arrest of singer George Michael, of the duo, Wham.

The park is in an exclusive area of Beverly Hills and residents complained to police of witnessing “lewd behavior” in the mens’ room. On responding Beverly Hills Police found George Michael, “alone, engaged in lewd behavior.”

I have no more words.

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