“There’s a Fork in the Road”

Between (Southboud) S. St. John Ave & (Northbound) S. Pasadena Ave., Pasadena CA 91105

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Date Visited: Unknown

“So, you head north on Pasadena Avenue and there’s a fork in the road… NO… DUDE… there’s a FORK in the road!!!”


I really have no idea why this is here, but located in the southern portion of Pasadena, California, just south of Huntington Hospital is the “middle of the road” attraction (as opposed to “roadside” attraction) site above. This “fork” is located on Pasadena Avenue where it separates into one way north (Pasadena Avenue) and one way south (S. St. John Ave) streets.

UPDATE: Oddly enough, this “Fork in the Road” is NOT unique. Ten years later, in rural Oregon, I found ANOTHER, “Fork in the Road.” (Follow the link to see the Salem, Oregon version)

This fork to the left is actually made of wood and then painted to look like the common eating utensil. It does look like there was a time when there were other colors there and now have been painted over. I’m not an expert on size, but I would estimate the fork to be 15 – 20 feet tall. It was apparently the site of a recent Easter Egg Hunt, based on the number of plastic eggs in the area at the time of my visit.

One thing about this place… when told to look for the “fork in the road” as directional guidance… this place is hard to miss.

I didn’t know it at the time I photographed this piece that it was “guerilla art.” There were no permits or authorization given. The piece was removed. Once removed, public outcry? resulted in appropriate measures being completed and the piece was returned to it’s original spot.

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