Buy Me A Cup of Coffee?

If you would like to help out, I love coffee, or in the heat of summer, iced tea. My desires are not complex. I drink my coffee black. And my tea is simply unsweetened black tea. If you’d like, here is a link to Starbucks Gift Cards. My email is I think you’ll need that. You can also use any of the buttons below to contribute to my love of caffeine.

If you prefer, there are other ways to help the cause listed below!

And, THANK YOU in advance!

I can’t say it enough!!!

Other Ways to Help Out

I am VERY grateful for anything and everything donated, regardless of the amount. Because I believe in helping others, I also donate 50% of the net amount (after any service fees) of all contributions to charity. Currently, I plan on donating to “nomad” related entities, but if you have a favorite, worthy cause, or suggestion, I will certainly consider it.

There is a “Merchandise” page with various souvenir-type items, shirts, hoodies, etc. available for purchase. A wide choice of Items for your shopping needs!!! If it’s not there, let me know and maybe I can figure something out. Almost all designs can be altered if you so desire!

It turns out that “van life” is a lot more expensive than I thought it would be. I thought that without rent or a mortgage, living on a fixed, disability income would be an affordable lifestyle that fit very nicely with my love of travel. I was wrong… ***GASP***! Gas, vehicle maintenance & repair, food, the occasional hotel/motel stay when the van is in the shop for repairs or for a break, relaxation, and personal hygiene attention, all cost money and more than I ever thought.

The links above will take you to various methods of donating. If none of these suit you, let me know and we can work something out. If you would like your donation to be used in a specific way, i.e. a cup of coffee, a meal, fuel, vehicle maintenance, or even just held for an emergency fund, let me know. I’ll try and honor that request. I will be providing information about donations received (anonymously) in a monthly email to subscribers. If you’re not a subscriber, and want to be, head on over to the SUBSCRIBE page. It’s absolutely free or “pay what you want.”

As always, THANK YOU for the visit. I welcome and appreciate comments (at the bottom of every page/post) and/or EMAILS. Please feel free to SUBSCRIBE (free or voluntary donation) to this site. If you enjoyed your visit, learned anything, or feel like helping the site out a little, I would love it if you shared our site with friends and family. If you don’t like this site ***GASP*** then you should spam your enemies with it LOL. Hey, any traffic helps! You can also DONATE to keep this dream alive. I always give 50% of all (net) donations and (net) profits from any source to charity as my way of giving thanks and sharing my good fortune.

Thanks again!


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