Bosco the Dog Mayor

11925 Main St, Sunol, CA 94586

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Date Visited: 09/12/2021

I’m not sure what this says about politics in general. I also have no clue if this particular “politician” was liberal, conservative, libertarian, or, more likely, independent! I doubt that history will ever know. As a bit of a personal opinion, I’ve always thought a lot of politicians were “dogs,” but never meant it literally!

Meet Bosco, a Black Labrador Retriever and Rottweiler mix that was elected as the honorary mayor of Sunol, California. Bosco actually beat two human candidates when he won his seat in 1981. Bosco served as mayor until his passing in 1994.

Only a special few mayors are memorialized with statues and this might be the only dog mayor so honored. Bosco’s bronze likeness is situated outside the Sunol, CA Post Office. He is also across the street from a namesake bar & grill, Bosco’s Bones and Brew. The “ABOUT” page on their website tells more about Bosco and was part of my research for this post. Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed at the time of my visit, so I’ll have to make a return visit to Sunol to add more first-hand information here. I am particularly interested in a reported life-sized animatronic “Bosco” which serves as the main tap behind the bar. Not sure I read it right, but apparently you can order the local microbrew, and “Bosco” will dispense your beverage in an “odd & unusual” way. (Hint to the owner, manager… INVITE ME… lol) Also worthy of note on the ABOUT page is a story about a time when local animal control officers picked up Bosco as he roamed the streets of Sunol. Residents reportedly visited the local shelter with pitchforks in hand to secure the release of their beloved mayor!

Bosco’s fame is not limited to the Sunol area, or even to the State of California, or the United States. Bosco was world-famous! According to a Wikipedia article,  “Bosco achieved international attention in 1984 when the British tabloid, the Daily Star, covered his election, describing Sunol as “the wackiest town in the world.” The panel, in a TV game show called “3rd Degree” (similar to What’s My Line), was stumped, unable to discern Bosco’s occupation. In 1990, a Chinese newspaper, the “People’s Daily, reported that Bosco was an example of the failings of the American electoral process. Personally, I think recent events might be more disturbing in regard to our electoral process!

The commemorative plaque reads simply:

“Mayor Bosco 1981-1994”

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